4 Ways to Identify Authentic Vintage Jewellery

Vintage jewellery is becoming more and more popular with consumers in Australia, UK, and the US today, as these items offer a unique charm that some modern pieces simply do not have. One concern for many buyers, however, is how to ascertain whether or not the items that they are thinking of purchasing are genuine or not.

The first way to identify whether or not an item of vintage jewellery from the retailer is authentic is by examining the front of the jewellery for clues as to its real age. One thing that can indicate that an item is genuine is the fact that there may be some dirt around the stones on the ring, necklace or brooch.

There are also other indicators that the item is an authentically vintage one, including worn plating in some areas, and damage to the stones, pearls or other parts of the piece. All these will indicate that this is indeed an item that has seen quite a few years of use, whereas newer items will tend to have that pristine, 'fresh-from-the-factory' look.

Secondly, check the back of the item of vintage jewellery that you are thinking of buying; does this show any hallmarks of being not as old as might first appear? Again, checking for damage will give an idea of how well used the item really is and can give an accurate indicator of the real age of the piece.

If the item has a clasp, check whether it is a modern one or a vintage one. Clasp fastenings can be used to gauge the real age of any vintage jewellery in Australia, with T bar clasps, the trombone clasp and an early version of the modern C clasp being indicative of older jewellery. Be sure to check that the clasp is the same colour as the metal of the jewellery item, which can indicate authenticity.

Of course, without expert knowledge it can be extremely difficult to ascertain the real age of an item of jewellery, in which case you should not hesitate to ask your jeweller for full details of the origin of the piece, and if there are any certificates or documents authenticating it available.

In the case of genuine antique and vintage jewellery, retailers are often able to provide detailed information on where they came from, who they were previously owned by and, in the case of ancient jewellery, where they were discovered and when.

The third way to discover whether a piece of vintage jewellery from vintage and antique jewellery store is genuine or not, therefore, is to request evidence that your purchase really is from the era that the seller states it is from.

The fourth and final tip on making sure that you obtain a genuine piece of antique jewellery is getting a second opinion. Although there are several checks that you yourself can make, and you can take steps to verify your purchase by asking for evidence of its origin, there is nothing quite like a second pair of expert eyes to give the seal of approval to your item of jewellery.

If you are thinking of buying a piece for a quite a bit of money, see if you can enlist the assistance of an expert before you part with your cash. If you do buy before getting a second opinion, make yourself aware of the retailer's refund policy so that you have peace of mind that you can return the item if it turns out to be a fake.

Here are just four ways to tell whether an item of vintage jewellery from the retailer is genuine or not, and one of them requires the assistance of an expert. In all cases, do thorough research before you buy in order to give yourself the best chances of purchasing a genuine item, and only ever buy from a reputable and trusted vintage jewellery store.


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